We will bring together a portfolio of established artists, performers, musicians, makers & galleries to give support, mentoring and guidance to young people as they begin their careers. We are targeting young people who have exceptional talent in any art form who have already developed their skills and talents but who are looking to both connect up with an 'arts' community and who are keen to take their art further.
Exhibition & Performance Space
We are offering free exhibition and performance space to 20 young people with talent and passion for the ‘arts’. This includes all aspects of the ‘arts’ such as painting, dance, photography, print, music, sculpture & performance art.
Support & Apprenticeships
We will be selecting young people who we feel have exceptional talent to receive awards & ‘arts’ opportunities. These young people will be offered the opportunity to have mentoring & apprenticeship roles with established artists, performers & galleries around Sussex. There will also be prize money available to help young people fund projects.
Workshop Space
We will be offering selected young people free workshop space in Sussex (near Tunbridge Wells) to use to develop their practice. Workshops, guidance & support will be available for all young people who become involved in the event.